Dates & Fees

Opening Times

We open Tuesday to Friday, from 9.00 am – 3.00 pm.

Morning session  9.00am – 1.30pm

Full day session. 9.00am – 3.00pm

We open term time only, linking our term dates to our local schools where we can.

We also run a stay and play group on Wednesday mornings between 10.00 and 11.30am, where parents and children meet for a musical session held in our garden. Parents may wish to attend this to introduce their child to the setting before they start pre-school. 

We welcome visits to sessions in the half term before starting, but this must be by appointment, and parents must stay with their child. Once the child has formally started, parents are welcome to stay until they feel their child is settled, and until they are happy to leave.

We hope that our new parents will join in the social and fund-raising events we organise at Pre-School


From September 2023, our fees will be as follows;


Per Hour

Morning Session


All day session


 2 years and Under




3 and over




A small charge of £1 per session is requested for consumables including the provision of fresh fruits, vegetables and savoury foods for snack. This also helps cover the cost of cooking ingredients, hot chocolate for outdoor learning and other food based activities i.e. learning about different foods from different cultures and countries, as well as all the little extras!

Fees must still be paid if children are absent without notice for a short period of time. If your child must be absent over a longer period of time, please come and talk to Marie.

We are in receipt of government funding for two, three and four years olds. Where funding is not received, fees will apply. For your child to keep their place at Pre-School, you must pay the fees.

Fees are reviewed by the trustees annually, however we reserve the right to change fees at any time in the school year in exceptional circumstances.

3 & 4 year old Universal Funding can be applied for from the school term following your child’s 3rd birthday, for up to 15 hours funded preschool education per week. If your child attends Pre-School for more than 15 hours, this will be added to your invoice.

Extended 30 hours funding is dependent upon family circumstances, but may extend a child’s eligibility funded preschool education. Parents must apply to the local authority and provide the appropriate authorisation to preschool in plenty of time. Please click here to find out more.

2 Year funding may be awarded by the local authority, depending upon family circumstances. You may receive a Golden Ticket in the post, or you can get more information and apply by clicking here.

If you have any queries please call the Family Information Service on 01305 221066.